Getting started





Please note: All visitors and participants are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID19

For Beginners

We require you to observe a class before you make the decision to start Judo.  To schedule a visit, contact our head instructor Blane Bellerud at our main email address or our phone number (503) 893-2783.  Talk to him about a Tuesday or Thursday evening that you can come visit the dojo during one of our 6:30-8:00pm classes.

To begin training you’ll need to purchase a USJF annual membership ($70)

Monthly dues are $40, payable quarterly. To begin training you will need to pay for the first quarter ($120), plus a $10 registration fee.

For your first few visits, regular athletic clothes, such as a long sleeve sweatshirt and sweatpants, are fine.  After that,  you will need purchase a white judogi.  This is a heavy duty cotton uniform that will stand up to the rigors of judo training.  We will be happy to advise you on proper size, models and brands, and places you can purchase a judogi.  You can typically find something suitable for under $90.

There is no particular fitness level required before you join.  Please let us know if you have any medical issues that may affect what you can do safely.

You can download the Shudokan Judo Beginner book here if you are interested in starting judo or just curious about what judo is.

For Experienced Judoka

Visitors with a current USJF, USAJudo, or USJA card are welcome (please bring your card or other doccumentation).  Please contact us before you visit so we can be sure you know how to find the dojo and we can be ready to welcome you.

If you would like to join our dojo you are welcome to either come to observe a practice first or join right in.  You will need a current USJF, USAJudo, or USJA card to start training. To become a member you will be required to pay one quarter’s dues plus the registration fee noted above ($130 total) and to transfer your USJF or USAJudo membership to our dojo.

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